Open Lab Initiative

To develop new opportunities
and collaborations

Are you and your research group looking for new opportunities to exchange ideas and interact more closely with other groups? The Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Open Lab Initiative is a digital tool to help you find your ideal research match – and now it’s available to researchers across the CRUK Centres network.

The platform connects research groups with shared interests to spark discussion, stimulate fresh ideas and generate new collaborations. Following a successful pilot phase, we’re rolling out the initiative through a central CRUK site to enable virtual collaboration across the CRUK Centres network during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.


Simply plug in your group’s details and preferred match type – ‘Curated’ (matched based on research interests) or ‘Wild card’ (matched at random) – and within 5 working days our algorithm will pair you with another research group for a virtual group meeting. Alternatively, add your research group to our Open Register to match with other groups directly.


The CRUK Open Lab Initiative has already over facilitated over 50 research matches since the pilot began. Join our virtual community and find your next collaboration.


Join the CRUK Open Lab Initiative